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Business Courses

Running any business involves spinning a lot of plates – and this is the case if you run a spa or salon. There is a lot to think about, from ensuring you're in the right premises and have the best equipment for the job, to making sure staff are qualified. It's also important that you are fully up to speed on the latest salon services courses for business owners.

To help you choose a beauty business course that's right for you, look at the selection available here at Capital Hair & Beauty. These will give you invaluable skills that are designed to help you navigate everything from business basics to how to market your brand.

The business basics course is perfect for anyone who's just set up their salon. It takes you through tax and insurance, as well as pricing, branding, and customer service skills.

There's the social media course, which is designed to help you promote your salon services. Salon services training will help you learn how and when to post to highlight what you offer and puts you in direct communication with your current clients, along with prospective clients.

Whether you're just starting out, or you're overhauling your marketing and want to brush up on your social media skills, you're in the right place. Browse the beauty salon management courses below and find the right fit for your business.


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